Tag: 2020

Here We Go... Again

I seem to have lost the ability to ponder and wonder at the plight of Man and... beast. It's not the first time, who knows whether it will be the last or not. In either case if sharing is caring then please ignore me to the best of your... 19 Jul 2020

Looking, Searching And....

There was once upon a time a story about a Seeker looking for 'something', a 'something' which was always seemingly elusive and quite hard to not only 'find' but to define. Definition of substance requires us to to have some sort of 'knowledge'... 18 Jul 2020

From Here To There... And Back Again

Actually, there may never be a going back. But that is true for us all, we do not go back. It's always forward whether it be looking, seeking or just plain wanting to be a 'better' being. All that is swept under the carpet from a time point... 11 Jul 2020

Where's Waldo?

To live in interesting times makes and creates some very good tales to tell around the campfire. It seems we are in the time of revealing. What one thought of as being 'real' has the king's bare nakedness in full revelation. We see not what we... 06 Jul 2020

Are We?

Peeking out from behind the veil of silence, all that we see is ourselves. All that we feel is our presence. All that we know comes from us and defines us. Emboldened by our hopes and dreams we love to alter, change and amend our environment... 05 Jul 2020

The March of The Wooden Soldiers

Step by step things are moving along on the road of certainty. It is a well-travelled road filled with all sorts of experiences. Perhaps that is the point of the road itself but don't tell those upon it, especially those full immersed within... 28 Jun 2020

We Still Are What We Are

Stretching the lie with which we have coddled and nurtured ourselves with, how do we come to know that what we believe is no longer an option. Where is it in time and space that we will find ourselves pondering and wondering about our current... 28 Jun 2020

By The Shore of Our Dreams

Where is it that we find ourselves when our eyes abruptly disturb the slumber with which we have embraced and endured ourselves with throughout the ages of Man. When the clock strikes twelve are we able to divine meaning or is it just another... 23 May 2020

Sidelined With Meaning

How do you help someone who does not wish to be helped. How do you provide an alternative view to someone who willfully sees no other. How can understanding create turmoil as a way for awareness to take note. What is the purpose of entertainment... 09 May 2020

Fury At The Thought

In the thought of being alive, death finds us. In the idea of existence our impermanence frightens us. In vastness of experience we find comfort in narrow mindedness. In the perplexing moment of being we take the rest of eternity to 'figure it... 08 May 2020

Stepping Back In Time

In time all things happen. Sometimes the wait can be worth it and at other times the wait never seems to end but in either case the passage endures. Sitting in a lawn chair and finding entertainment just for amusement purposes eternity passes by... 08 May 2020


Time in it's ever-lasting form marches to a different beat. It must be a different beat because if there was an understanding of it there wouldn't be so many problems that get handed on a silver platter. The worst part is serving hot dogs in a... 05 May 2020

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